
Molly Dolly at 3 months

Where did my tiny newborn go? All of the sudden I have a chubby, talkative, big baby! I love her more every minute.

Molly is the sweetest angel. She is such a chill little baby, I feel like I'm being spoiled. I don't expect that all my babies will be this low maintenance. She just sleeps and eats and smiles and laughs and sleeps some more. After her 10:30ish meal she settles down for the night and sleeps til about 7. Occasionally she'll snuffle and stir around 4:30 but will go back to sleep with a re-swaddling or pacifier.

It's been so fun to see her little personality emerging! She has really found her voice and talks and yells all day. She is so pleased to hear herself.

She has given us a good belly laugh just a few times. You really have to work her up to it by bouncing her around and playing and tickling and getting really ridiculous. Jack is the expert.

She'll hold her head up while she's on her tummy and just last week started rolling over from tummy to back. On her three month birthday she rolled over non-stop, but now it seems she has forgotten how.

She loves her dad and gets so loud and crazy when he comes home from work. She knows it's party time when she sees him! 

Jack's nicknames for her - Baby Lady or Gorgonzola (because of her dried spit-up smell)

My nicknames for her - Molly girl and Tiny

It feels like we've known her forever. I can't imagine life without my little Molly Dolly. 


  1. We are finally back in Beijing and our VPN (virtual private network) is working, allowing us to crack through the Commie firewalls and access blogs. Yippee!! I love seeing all the adorable pictures of Molly! I cant believe how big she's getting. I want to just turn right around and fly back to play with her! sniff...
    Love you all!

  2. She just gets prettier and prettier every day!

  3. I can't decide which of these pictures is my favorite. She is so beautiful! I miss you guys.
