
Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day we went to Pei Wei. We love Pei Wei! When we lived in Utah the Pei Wei in Sandy was a major destination for us. Every time we go to Pei Wei we make sure to point out that "Pei Wei is to P.F. Changs as Old Navy is to Gap." The lettuce wraps are just as good as P.F. Changs' and they're like half the price! Not that Old Navy is just as good as the Gap, but it's still pretty good.

I had been holed up in the house for the past two days because I was a huge ball of unattractive stress and could not muster the emotional fortitude to emerge from the apartment. (TMI - only read if you are a mom - I think I actually made my milk supply suffer because of my stress! Poor Molly was not happy about that. But I think it's better now.) There's a job I have applied for that just might kill me if I don't get and I've never felt this stressed in my life. I was afraid that I was going to ruin the Valentine's date because I could not get out of my mood. But my mood melted away when Jack walked through the door with the most beautiful alstroemeria! For me! It was actually a really magical moment. I went back to my normal, happy self in two seconds! After a week long, serious funk! I was so relieved. My optimism has been restored. Life will go on. Jack is a sweetie. I think I have learned that flowers are my love language.

So off we went to Pei Wei. It was totally empty last night because most people go to fancier places on Valentine's Day, but for us it was just perfect! They had one of those fancy silver soda machines with a touch screen. They also had sweet potato fries on the menu. Sweet potato fries with Chinese food! Genius! We got sweet potato fries, lettuce wraps, and honey chicken.

After Pei Wei we went to Trader Joe's to pick up some dairy-free ice cream sandwiches for me, a PB&J candy bar for Jack, and some dairy-free chocolate ice cream for Molly's valentine, Oskar. Then we went to Oskar's house with the goods and took pictures of our babies so we can put these on their wedding slideshow someday.

Tomorrow marks four years since Jack and I got engaged. He's still the best man on earth. 


  1. I love all your posts.
    What's the job and when do you find out?

  2. I want to kiss those yummy, chubby cheeks! I will always admire your faith and optimism Joanna! You are a great example to all of us!
