
Lady Molly

Nothing to see here except too many pictures of Molly. Today I'm making meatballs and scheming up a day trip for tomorrow. I want to drive to the desert to find geodes, but the working man Jack would probably prefer to spend a little quality time at home.  Maybe we'll play Mario Kart and winner gets to make Saturday plans :)


  1. Love the bath pictures. Nothing better than that clean baby smell! We have become devoted fans of 1600 Penn (I actually like it!)waiting for Molly's acting debut. But personally I think the real father isn't the Old Navy dude but the press secretary (so scandalous!). Unfortunately that would cut Molly out of the story line. But we shall see! TV star or not, she is adorable!

  2. Molly is so cute! I hope our babes get to meet some day soon! So when I looked at the first picture on your Disneyland post I thought this looks like a photo of a famous family. I love it. You totally look famous and you are beautiful!
