
Molly these days

This is one of those posts that will be most interesting to other first-time moms and very boring to everyone else. I loved reading these types of posts on other people's blogs when I was pregnant.  But I write this so that in a month when Molly is a totally different baby, I can remember her how she is now, at two and a half months.

Molly is perfect. She is such a sweet and content little baby. She hardly ever cries, only when she's hungry or when I use the magical Nose Frida snot sucker on her. She hates that thing, but it gets the job done! She is just getting over a month-long cold and I am so glad to see it go. 

She learned to sleep through night despite her sickness. Her breathing always sounded so scary at night though, so I didn't always sleep through the night even when she did. The longest she has slept is ten hours, although it is usually seven. She has just learned to sleep in her crib.  Before, she would sleep in her little infant chair right next to our bed because it helped her to stay still and not wake herself up. She still rolls around a little in the crib and gets unsettled a few times at night, but will go back to sleep in just a few seconds. 

She is becoming more aware of her surroundings and it is so cute to watch! She has discovered that I'm there when she is nursing. She'll turn her face up to watch me while she's eating and will occasionally stop to smile and talk and flirt, and then all of a sudden is all business and goes back to eating. Sometimes she'll stop to say something to me every ten seconds. Super cute, but it can make nursing last forever! 

She's got some proper chick fuzz coming in on the top of her head, where she used to be bald.  The sides and back are still the same hair she was born with, and there are some really long crazy patches!

Around Christmas time the content of her diapers became very alarming, with some bits of blood here and there. I called the family expert, uncle Thomas, who is a pediatric gastroenterologist. He said it was most likely a milk protein allergy or a soy protein allergy. I decided to try going off dairy, and it worked! Everything was back to normal within a few weeks. She had never been super fussy about it before, but did have a lot of gas pains, which totally stopped within a few days. She also started gaining weight like crazy! She is now in the fiftieth percentile when she had previously been at about fifteen. About two weeks ago I foolishly decided to eat a brownie and some cheesy focaccia while I was out at a restaurant. I thought, she's been doing so well, a bit won't hurt! About twelve hours later she was obviously in pain and then had a whole night of screaming, which she had never done before. I felt so sad and so guilty! But I'm glad to be sure of what the problem is and it really isn't that hard to stay away from dairy. It helps with my weight loss, because my top three late-night snacks of choice used to be chocolate milk, a bowl of cereal, or a bowl of ice cream. Now I don't know what to eat before bed so I just don't! 

We are totally obsessed with Molly. I keep wondering when the obsession will wear off. When will I stop being amazed with everything she does? She is so much fun to have around. She is the best little friend to have with me all the time! 


  1. Don't we need to come to LA in February? We're missing the three of you.

  2. You are living the dream my dear. She is just darling.
    ps. that blanket is amazing! Did you make it?

  3. I love her in that jungle shirt. Jack looks good with some scruff! And who made that awesome blanket??
