
Point Dume

Molly has been a lot of places and seen a lot of sights in her two and a half months of life. She's been to San Francisco and San Diego two times each. She's been to Disneyland. She's even seen the Lion King musical! But last week I realized that she had never been to the beach! So we went to Point Dume on Saturday. We drove through Topanga Canyon to get there and I tried to convince Jack that we should move there. He didn't go for it. But really, my soul tells me that I need to live in that tiny weird little town tucked away in the hills, with the beach 15 minutes away. It must happen! It was sunny when we got to the beach, and the fog rolled in as we left. Fog is so good for the soul. Molly wasn't too impressed with our day trip, it was a little windy for her. She'll love it someday!


  1. I love that picture of you and Molly with the ocean behind you. Beautiful!

  2. Reminds me of other sweet little girls dragged to the beach over the years. So cute.

  3. point dume is my fav, so glad you went.

    we wanna move to topanga - i'd love to have company in that weird hill town! haha... if we make it :)
