

The pretty view from Fox studios. Can you spot the LA temple?
The little divas getting their beauty sleep.

The sign on her dressing room door.
Molly in hospital garb, before they snatched the paci and pink blanket for the scene.
 Yesterday Molly had her debut in Hollywood! A friend of a friend works at a casting agency and needed some newborn babies to share the role of the President's newborn grandson on the new show 1600 Penn. Molly and another baby from our ward were picked, so yesterday my friend Stacy and I took our babies to Fox studios and let them do their thing! 

They were filming a sweet little hospital scene with all the family there in the room. Molly was all swaddled up and they passed her around and fawned over their new little baby. Molly was "Baby #1" because she was the smallest baby, so they started with her and got a perfect first take! She had just woken up and was just gazing up at everyone like a perfect little angel baby. They went for a second take of the scene and she started to fuss, so they brought in her identically dressed little friend who was also a perfectly behaved little angel baby. They filmed the same scene with some white babies and with some black babies, because the story is not set in stone yet and it is not decided what the race of the baby will be. So Molly may or may not be on TV in spring 2013. We got to talk to some of the actors while we were waiting around on set. We met Jenna Elfman, who is so beautiful! And I got a few glances of Bill Pullman! It was really fun and now Molly has a little savings account for herself with enough money to maybe pay for one college textbook.


  1. That is pretty awesome! I've seen the previews for that show and it looks pretty funny. I hope Molly makes the cut!
