
Too many pictures


I spend about thirty percent of every twenty-four hours feeding, burping, changing, and bathing this little person. The other seventy percent is dedicated entirely to staring at her and taking pictures of her. (I suppose there may be some sleep and other things sprinkled in there too!) I don't think I'll be able to keep up that ratio with my next children. Molly's younger siblings are going to feel totally gypped because in the future I'll be too busy to take a photo every five minutes, and their baby pictures will be fewer and farther between. For now it's just me and Molly, and I've got nothing better to do than gaze into her sweet little face! And laugh at her skinny little legs!


  1. Oh, I miss her! I miss you all! Can't wait to see you soon!!

  2. No such thing as too many pictures of Molly!! I love them Jo. Keep it up.
