
Molly at 5 weeks

I used to think newborn babies were such mysterious little creatures. Holding other people's newborns always made me nervous because how are you supposed to know what they want when they're crying? But it didn't take long for Molly and I to have each other all figured out. She hardly ever gets a good cry going, and when she does I always know what she needs! It's funny how parenthood works like that, and that your own baby is not such a mystery.

She is a very content and happy baby. She just started to give some non-sleep smiles this week and it's my favorite thing in the world. When Jack got her to smile for him for the first time he was so happy he teared up a little! And then tried to laugh it off/pretend like he wasn't crying. Those two together just kill me!

Molly has taken after her father and lost the hair from the top of her head, with plenty remaining on the back and sides. She's not at all embarrassed about it. In fact, I think she's hoping to lose it all and still pull it off kind of like Anne Hathaway or Natalie Portman. The ultimate challenge to one's beauty is pulling off bald. Molly knows she can work it.

She is still a skinny little baby. We go to the doctor next week and I can't wait to find out how much weight she's gained. I know she's getting enough because she's very content and eats well, but she still seems so scrawny and newborn-ish! She still wears newborn clothes and diapers and swims in her 0-3 month clothes. I always thought I would have a giant beast of a baby with huge cheeks and thighs. But I think Molly is going to remain a dainty little thing. 

Being parents is the most fun we've ever had. We love her so so much! I think I want to have one million babies.


  1. Such a cutie! Hope to see you and the little darling over Christmas. Can't wait!

  2. ha! i love her! she looks JUST like jack!

  3. I love how absolutely hilarious you are! And Molly is just the best. If you have a million babies can I borrow a couple? You know, just until they're 18 and then you can pay for college? Thanks!
