

We spent Thanksgiving in Modesto and had a jolly good time! Livs even flew in for the occasion so everyone was there except Matt and Ness. We'll see them at Christmas though!

Here's Molly looking resplendent on Thanksgiving morning.

On Friday we went to San Francisco. What else would we do the Friday after Thanksgiving? Molly was such a little angel and hardly made a peep all day. She never even knew that she went to Golden Gate park and posed in a tree. It's not a proper day trip if we don't pose in a tree!

The boys. This picture didn't turn out very well but I had to include it because Jack's pose was just too good.

This is at the top of Strawberry Hill in the middle of Stow Lake. I've got to go back and get pictures of the views! At the moment I was too occupied with Molly's needs. Is she hungry? She should be hungry, why isn't she awake?! Is she cold? You know how it goes.

We went to a vegan/raw food - Bolivian place for dinner. Only in SF would there exist such a combination! It was really yummy and Danny educated us on all the various Bolivian foods. We finished the day at Union Square. We gave the Gap a thorough work over, as tradition requires, posed by the tree, and called it a day!

1 comment :

  1. I love you.

    I'm only going to be in Merced the 23rd - the evening of the 25th. We're coming in late at night on the 22nd. What do you guys do on Christmas Eve? Any chance we could meet in Turlock for an early lunch? Text me.
