
Sweet is the peace the gospel brings

I've never had a way with words, but Mary Ann Morton sure did. I love the words to this hymn. The music is not my favorite, but these words are so simple and true. 

Sweet is the peace the gospel brings
To seeking minds and true.
With light refulgent on its wings,
It clears the human view.

Its laws and precepts are divine
And show a Father’s care.
Transcendent love and mercy shine
In each injunction there.

Faithless tradition flees its pow’r,
And unbelief gives way.
The gloomy clouds, which used to low’r,
Submit to reason’s sway.

May we who know the sacred Name
From every sin depart.
Then will the Spirit’s constant flame
Preserve us pure in heart.

Ere long the tempter’s power will cease,
And sin no more annoy,
No wrangling sects disturb our peace,
Or mar our heartfelt joy.

That which we have in part received
Will be in part no more,
For he in whom we all believe
To us will all restore.

In patience, then, let us possess
Our souls till he appear.
On to our mark of calling press;
Redemption draweth near.

1 comment :

  1. That is a good one.
    I didn't know you knew about 71 Toes. She came to Women's Conference in VA and I want to be her when I grow up.
