
26 weeks and all is well

18 weeks

20 weeks

26 weeks

This has got to be the least documented pregnancy I've ever had. Haha and the only pregnancy I've ever had. I thought I'd just start from the beginning with all the most interesting details I can remember. 

We found out I was pregnant on March 7 - the same day the book I had ordered, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility," came in the mail. Ha! Still haven't read it, but still want to. It was about 10 at night when I took the test and the line was so faint that I refused to believe it was true until I tried again in the morning. Jack thought I was silly. And it was still true in the morning! He was right!

I never had any "mother's intuition" about whether it was a girl or a boy, except for the first time I heard the little heartbeat at the doctor's office. As soon as I heard it my first thought was, "It sounds like a boy!" I knew that was ridiculous though, and never really had any serious guesses either way. Jack was sure it was a girl. In fact, about a week before we found out I was pregnant, he said to me as we snuggled in bed that this was the month it would happen and it was going to be a girl. And he was right on both accounts! Jack is always right. When we were having the ultrasound done and the doctor said in a most uninterested and anticlimactic tone, "Congratulations, you're having a little girl," I cried and cried. And then I was a little embarrassed because I was not expecting to cry.

So far this has been such an easy pregnancy. I had some fatigue and morning sickness for about two or three weeks in the first trimester. I only got sick a few times, mostly it was just zero appetite and I was so tired. I struggled to eat anything at all. I ate a lot of peanut butter and honey sandwiches and took a lot of naps. But those days are long gone! Now I have a huge appetite and am longing for lunch soon after breakfast is over! I haven't had any consistent aches or pains - just some back pain or cramps here and there. I'm sleeping better than I've ever slept and wondering if that will last into the third trimester. I hope so!

I started feeling little movements at about 18 weeks - wasn't sure if they were baby movements or not. At about 19 weeks I was sure that they were baby movements. Jack got to feel her kick for the first time on the fourth of July at 21 weeks. Now I feel her move all day long and have even begun to feel her head on one side and feet on the other at the same time! She's about two pounds and almost 15 inches long! Shocking. It's still strange and exciting every time I feel her move, I'm not used to it yet at all.

At the end of the month we get to have a tour of our hospital. I'm so excited to see what the rooms look like and to imagine holding her on one of those beds with my sweet Jack and my momma there. It's going to be a great day. I'm not anxious about childbirth at all. I'm actually feeling quite optimistic and not planning on taking any classes. I figure I'll just continue to read up as much as I can, expect it to hurt a lot, and go with my instincts! So far everything has been so smooth and easy - not one problem or worry about our baby girl's health. I'm so grateful for that and hope it continues to be that way! Now hurry up, Nov 13!


  1. Oh my goodness you sound so wonderful and happy. I am SO happy for you!!! Give your little girl a pat from Auntie Karin.

  2. I love this. Yay for babies! I want to come to the hospital and see her when she's brand new. There's nothing better!

  3. Congratulations, Jo! You are going to be such wonderful parents!
