
34 days to go

That's my 35 week belly - I cleaned the mirror just to take the picture. Jack's lucky day! I don't do much around the house these days, haha.

It has finally cooled off and I have broken out my stash of fall maternity clothes - generously provided by the beautiful Miriam Taggart. And oh what gems were in that plastic tote! Adding another pair of pants to my rotation is pure bliss! Now I just need to find another dress to add to my Sunday rotation. Sundays are so desperate around here.

I can't wait to have this baby girl on the outside of me instead of the inside of me. She doesn't kick much anymore, she is more into yoga these days. Stretching and holding various poses and poking out rudely in the same exact places all day until my belly feels sore by bedtime. Cute, but not cute. I am actually still sleeping quite well and have no real complaints other than feeling too big to move. I can't wait to just jump off the couch like it ain't no thing.

Next week is my last week of work, then I have three weeks before her supposed arrival to clean and shop and cook and clean some more. I feel like I will never be able to do any projects for the rest of my life after she is born and everything I've ever had in mind for this apartment must be done NOW. But I suppose the baby will live if I don't repaint the TV stand.

My sweet friends are throwing a baby shower for me and the babe next week. It's going to be at the cutest little park and I think the weather will finally be fall-ish. I'm so excited! I feel so taken care of in this ward! I am so grateful for thoughtful friends.

I spend at least an hour a day wondering what she'll look like. A Taggart or a Hawkins? I hope for a nine-pound chunky Hawkins baby (Jack says I want one so fat that she can't open her eyes), but a long skinny Taggart baby would be just as loved. But I do imagine her toddler self as a skinny little blonde-haired girl version of Jack. I would love to have a little Meredith running around. Someday I'll post about something other than pregnancy and baby news. For now that is really all I think about, all day every day.


  1. Can I just say, you look amazing! I've decided tall girls look much better preggo than us shorties.

    When the baby first comes she'll sleep alot, but you'll be tired and sore so you should probably get the projects that absolutely need doing done... the rest can wait half a year for the two naps a day schedule when you finally have energy and an hour here and there.

    I also wanted a chunky baby, and although chunky babies are really cute... i gotta admit, i LOVE carrying around my skinny baby! She's always been so light. But,that's the beauty of being a mom, no matter how she comes that becomes the new perfect to you.

  2. Just a reminder Jo - Taggart babies are not all long and skinny! Marilyn always apologizes to me that I was a small baby carrier that married a BIG baby maker! If you remember my 10 pound 10 oz. baby Michael! He was all Taggart! I love the stretching stage, especially when a foot or hand are in the most uncomfortable spot! We can't wait to meet her and love her and kiss her cheeks!

  3. Jo! You look so cute! i know hearing that doesnt always mean anything, at least to me, im like "are you kidding me i feel huge!" but you do look awesome :) so excited for your baby girl, maybe our kids will get married, that would be fabulous! good luck in your last month, i'm so ready to get this kid outta me, and he seriously will come anyday, the worst part, waiting. hope all goes well and cant wait to catch up with you soon! love ya!
