
Things you might not know about Jack

Jack's favorite Beach Boys song is "I Get Around." His favorite line is, "My buddies and me, we're gettin real well known, Yeah the bad guys know us and they leave us alone."

Jack has gorgeous feet. No peeling skin, no callouses. His feet are so soft and smooth, that it makes me mad on that part in the The Help when Octavia Spencer says you should use Crisco on your husband's feet, because really my husband should use Crisco on my feet. But this isn't about me, is it?

Jack does almost all the dishes and laundry around here and never complains. 

Jack doesn't judge. He doesn't even judge me when I'm judging other people. 

Jack had a job interview today. He doesn't think he's going to get it, because logically he shouldn't. I laugh in the face of logic. Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Jack thinks we're going to have a girl first, but he wants a boy first. He takes it personally when I say I want mostly daughters. 

Jack will never turn down an opportunity to ask for a back massage. Of course, he rubs mine too. But a standard back massage in this house also includes legs and feet, and most recently, head and face too. (But not my face! Don't touch my face!) And usually a back scratch at the end.

I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that Jack does not prefer to be the subject of my blog posts.
Too laaaaate.

1 comment :

  1. Our husbands are so much alike! We must have great taste in men! And if Jack really is like Nate he will secretly LOVE having daughters!
