
Six months in LA and all is well

It's hard to believe that it's been six months already! But at the same time, it's seems like we've been here a while because I can't even remember the last time that I was truly cold. Like, toes frozen, seeing your breath inside your car kind of cold. And to not remember what that feels like is a great thing! 

Things have changed a lot since our first night here. We slept on the floor and watched a movie on the laptop. We had no fridge, no food, no friends, no jobs, and no idea how we would pay the next month's rent! And now...we have all of those things! Plus lots more. And I feel really blessed. 

Sometimes I look at people in the ward who have been here for 5+ years and are still struggling to make it and I think to myself, I don't want to still be doing this in five years! In five years, I want to have a baby or two and an apartment to fit those babies in, and maybe even health insurance and a savings account with something in it, and I want to be able to think that someday we could actually live in a real house! With a garage and a backyard! And we talk about these things with our friends and wonder if they will ever happen. But if I take a closer look, I realize that all of our friends who have been here longer than us are HAPPY. They are. And even if they have to manage apartment buildings, or take their babies with them to nannying jobs, or work multiple jobs at a time, they are still happy! And even if we do have to scrimp and save for a while, I don't think we've resigned ourselves to a life of poverty just yet. By golly, we've got potential! And everything happens for a reason, I do believe. And there is somebody in Heaven saving us every time we do something silly like move to Los Angeles. How else would we have made it for six months?


  1. I think there's worse things than being poor.

    In our ward there's a bunch of people who went back to school for second careers, and I'm glad we're chasing the dreams now, rather than having the house and backyard and going back to crazy, poor, apartment living. Besides, Jack is funny and talented and will definitely be successful and you'll be the cool hip mom loving the warm weather!

  2. I think you guys are living the dream! Enjoy it!
