
She's got a way about her

Phoebe sometimes chooses to observe to world from some very interesting angles. Here I think she's playing the "pretend the house is upside down game" where you crawl around looking at everything upside down and imagine that you could walk on the ceiling. It's a very interesting game for someone who spends a lot of time at home and has nothing else to do, which is exactly what Phoebe does.

She has recently become involved in a scandalous love affair with Jack's socks. Nothing can keep her apart from the socks - not a closed closet door, not the fear of her father's punishments when he finds her having a moment with his sock stash on the bed. Ain't no closet door crack small enough, ain't no shelf high enough to keep her from getting to the socks and carrying them out one by one and frolicking with them all over the house.

My favorite thing is when Phoebe does something really stupid. Like yesterday when she got a grocery bag stuck on her legs and ran frantically around the house at high speeds to get away from it, but just ended up even more tangled and terrified. Those are the moments when Jack says in a fatherly tone, "Phoebe. Was that a good choice....or a bad choice?" But she never listens.

1 comment :

  1. Haaaaaaaahahaha thanks for making it a happy morning with three great posts! Each one delightful.
