
In my groove

Phoebe in her groove
Today was just one of those days where nothing could throw off my groove. Not traffic, or crying kids, or messed up recipes, or even a bad hair day! 

First, driving down the road, I realized that I had left my current favorite mix CD in the other car. (Since we are a two-car family this week!) Drat! What's a girl supposed to do without her favorite mix CD and nary an ipod hookup to be found? Trust the radio? So I turned on the radio, and lo and behold - the first track on my CD was playing! But it wasn't my CD - it was the radio! What? The radio is smart enough to play the Black Keys? No Rihanna up in here? When the song was over, that Cranberries song from You've Got Mail played! Which is also on that blasted CD! And then, yet another! The best Killers song, forgot what it's called, but the I got soul but I'm not a soldier one, that song played next! And that one is also on my CD! So, it turns out that 98.7 Jack FM is the radio station for me. Since when am I an alternative rocker?

But the day kept on giving. The children threw fits, I forgot things at the grocery store, and still, I managed to make a dang good quinoa casserole for my work family, then came home and made some perfect tilapia and sweet potato fries for my real family, plus some glorious homemade oreos. Such stamina! My energy knows no bounds today. 

Also, I totally nailed it with my Target gift card and bought some purplish pants and a two great v-necks ($8 each! Score!). The pressure of a Target gift card is usually too much for me to bear. I tend to make poor decisions when I'm torn so many different ways and everything in sight appeals to me. It's like how I always order the wrong thing at restaurants - too many good options makes me think funny and even as I'm telling the waitress what I want, I already know I made the wrong choice but I still don't know what the right choice is. Anyways, I definitely made good choices at Target, and I wasn't even offended when I did a fashion show for Jack and he told me that these are the types of clothes our children will make fun of me for when they look at old pictures of us. But today I was feeling too good to retort! I just said, Jackie boy, you're so right! But choosing not to wear purple skinny jeans would totally throw off my groove! 


  1. You are so great. And I bet you're lookin fab in your new purple pants. As soon as I get this baby out I'm getting me some. Or maybe red.

  2. lol you know this is ness. although matt would look nice in purple pants i'm sure.

  3. Never knew Phoebs was a contortionist. Keep your eye on her, she'll run off the next time the Chinese acrobats come through.

  4. Oh I laughed so hard. I saw those pants and I wanted them desperately (probably red, surprise I know) but with these legs??? Count yourself lucky! I am in a major groove too. It's been a great January, no? Say hi to mom and Livvy! xoxoxOxOOXo

  5. You're hilarious, Jo. It's great having you in the family. I never would have guessed Jack would have such good taste.
