
I wish today could be last Friday

Last Friday was probably my favorite day of 2012 so far. How can you beat watching the World of Color show at California Adventure with all your sisters there? Sunday was my least favorite day of 2012 so far. We had a yummy lunch after church, and then they all got into cars and drove up to Modesto to party until Matt and Ness go home this weekend. Come back to us! We're trying to justify driving up there on Friday night after work to join the last couple days of the party. The Disneyland trip just went waaaaay too fast. But like Jack always says, it's so much easier to say goodbye to family when you're married! Because your best pal gets to stay with you. 


  1. I never thought about it, but it is way better leaving events when you're going home with your husband! So true

  2. well i just found this lil gem of a place, aka blog. also mckenna and i are in DESPERATE need for raptor boy's name...
