
Baby Cabin and Bedhead

One of our favorite songs to sing with the girls is one my mom used to sing. It starts with "There was a little house in the middle of the woods, a little old man at the window stood..." and has cute little actions to go along with it. When we told Molly we were going to sleep in a tiny house in the woods, she was very pleased. Then we had to sing the song four times, with every member of the family "at the window stood." She loooved this cabin. There was even a tiny broom inside to play with. A dream for her! It was a little chilly in the morning, so we bundled up over our jammies to head down to see the waterfall one more time. (With sore shoulders from those rock hard mattresses! Worth it.) More pictures of this magical place below.


  1. my gosh your children
    these pictures are so magical!
    such darlings!

  2. My mom sang that song too! And now I sing it and it is currently Henry's favorite. I love little family traditions like that!
