
Joshua Tree

Molly turned two this weekend! On the morning of her birthday, we snatched the girls out of bed and were on the road before sunrise in the direction of Joshua Tree National Park. Molly was awake for the first little bit of the drive and knew something fun was happening. She was very pleased to be a part of the excitement. We stopped off at McDonald's for breakfast right outside the park, and she thought she had died and gone to heaven, eating a McDonald's breakfast and playing at the play place in her pajamas. She looked so incredibly scruffy and happy, it was the cutest. Being the shameless people watcher that I am, I was ever so interested in the people dining at McDonald's with us. I want to know the life story of every person who chooses to live in a tiny remote desert town. Why and how did they end up there, you know? We got the girls changed and ready and headed in, with no schedule to keep and ready to explore.

This was really Molly's ideal day - scrambling around on rocks and playing in the dirt. We saw tons of beautiful rock formations and Joshua Trees, of course. One fun spot was a view point where you could see nearly 100 miles into the distance. We saw the peak of a mountain on the horizon that was in Mexico! Pretty cool. I learned that Joshua Trees were named by Mormon pioneers who thought that the trees looked like Joshua raising his arms in prayer. I had to remind myself which prophet Joshua was - obviously the pioneers knew their Old Testament better than I do.

I wish we would have prepped a little more for some hiking. We walked around a lot, but if we had the water and the shoes for hiking, we could have trekked to some really cool places, like a deserted gold mine! Next time! I'm dying to come back here and stay the night.

Molly thoroughly enjoyed herself. The proof was all the scratches on the elbows, forearms, and wrists from sliding around on her belly on the rocks all day. I may have said this once or twice before, but I love California.

You woke me up from a nap for this??


I don't know why she wedged herself under him at the last minute, but aren't they cute?

A shady snack spot for Cora

This is where we could see Palm Springs, the Salton Sea, and even Mexico in the distance!

Had to add this one in because CORA'S LEGS! I can't believe she's even real and that I get to keep her.


  1. being the east coast elitist that i am, i tend to turn my nose up at california a fair amount, but i have to say, your blog always warms me up to california! your love for it is contagious.

  2. so so so beautiful you are you are!

    what a lovely day in JT.
    i'm finally getting around to commenting...
    your blog makes me happy :) and so do your beautiful faces!

    that pic of cora peeking over a rock is hilarious
