
We're Moving!

We found out on Saturday that we're moving! From Studio City to North Hollywood. The NoHo Arts District, to be specific. It's about only one mile north of where we live now. I've been searching for an apartment managing job since before Molly was born. We know eight families who do apartment managing and we have been ever so interested in it because it's a great option for moms who want to earn some money while keeping their babies with them. Finally something worked out for us and I will be managing a 50 unit building and getting a 2 bedroom apartment in exchange! It's a huge blessing. 

I had been so very bitter about a certain job that I didn't get. I was 98% sure I was going to get it. I complained a lot. I cried a bit. I spent a lot of time thinking about what I don't have rather than what I do have. I was pretty much in the depths of despair. Little did I know that something better was coming along shortly. This experience has been a big fat reminder for me.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.     -Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Disappointments often lead to better opportunities. Isn't that grand? So exciting! Congrats!

  2. oh i love when life works out that way!! congrats

  3. hey i wanna come over!!! maybe when i watch molly i'll come to you, i forgot you moved haha. we'll text it!

    ps congrats on the job. so happy for you. i knew it'd work out! lord's timetable can be a tricky one to be happy with ahha. after a year in LA i'm finally starting to kinda like it :) kinda... hehe


  4. You are such a good woman, Jo.
