
Molly these days

Molly is 4.5 months old and is getting more and more opinionated by the day. She has started to cry when I put her down and walk away and when she is handed off to a stranger.

She loves the cat and laughs every time she catches a glimpse of her.

She still sleeps eight hours every night but is a horrible napper. She fights the sleep off during the day until she is the grumpiest little grump and then finally collapses. But as long as she keeps sleeping through the night, I don't care what she does during the day!

Her hair is coming in rather nicely! She is the cutest little fuzz ball.

She can hold her toys and put them in her mouth. Nothing puts her in a bad mood faster than that pink ball toy in the third picture. She desperately wants to bite it but she can't fit it in her mouth. She doesn't give up and cries and shoves it in her mouth with all her might. What a goofball.

She is adored everywhere she goes! Going out in public with this cutie means I talk to a lot of sweet old ladies :)

Every time she wakes up she's bigger and cuter than before. It goes way too fast. 

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