
Kind and Patient

Molly and Evie - BFFs
Molly chilling in the hallway.
About once a week I get to watch my friend's precious little girl Evelyn. Evelyn is 10 months old, which means she is mobile. I am not used to watching a baby that won't stay in the same spot. I think I would be perfectly happy if Molly were to be a late crawler :) 

The other day while feeding Molly her belated lunch, I realized that Evelyn was attempting to injure herself for the seventeenth time that hour. Babies, they know nothing of danger. It's such a frustrating but endearing quality. I dashed to save her, dumping Molly on the floor in the hallway. By the time I had removed Evelyn from danger, jollied her up, changed her diaper, and distracted her with a safer activity, about ten minutes had passed. I realized that Molly was still laying in the hallway by herself. Feeling rather frazzled, I ran back, expecting her to be frantic. I found her happy as can be, not offended in the least that her lunch had been cut short. In the moment, it was a such a huge relief to be greeted by a jolly little smile! 

In Molly's baby blessing, Jack mentioned something about her "kind and patient spirit." And that is oh so true! She is a great example to me. I have been full of complaints and negativity lately, I should really take a tip from Molly. Life is happier when you are kind and patient. I'm so glad I get to be a mom and partake of the sweetness that is my little baby girl. I think if every adult in the world had to hold a baby for twenty minutes when they got up in the morning, the world would be a less angry place.


  1. It sounds like you have this motherhood thing figured out. My kids are constantly teaching me things. You are so lucky to have such a patient baby. One of my babies is patient, the other not so much. But they were both late crawlers and walkers and that was a blessing!

  2. And just wait til molly is old enough to come wrap her chubby arms around your neck and give you hugs! BEST FEELING EVER!! Baby hugs and cuddles could seriously be the solution to world peace.

  3. She's cuuute! She grew up since last pic. Keep em coming!

  4. That attitude will take you far. Well said.
