
I love this man

I made a lot of bad choices when I was 19 years old. But I also made one really super good choice, and that was my choice of husband.

I love...

that he is a laundry and dishes cleaning machine

the way he plays with Molly when he comes home from work

that he eats any and all leftovers, no matter how gross

his easy-going attitude and strong faith that everything will be fine

that he wakes me up and tells me I'm pretty and kisses my cheek before he goes to work
how he laughs until he cries when Molly tries to charm him out of putting her to bed
that he drives to far away places to explore with me even when he would rather not

that he has never said a bad thing about anyone ever

his patience with my flaws

his stinking good Sunday School lessons

how dedicated he is to his career.

He's a good one.