
Molly's Blessing Weekend

Molly was blessed on January 6th here in Studio City. Jack gave a very sweet blessing and later Marilyn and Meredith helped me remember the main points so I could write them in Molly's  journal. We were so lucky that all our parents and some sisters from both sides got to be here, as well as our good friends the Whitmores. Grandma and Grandpa Taggart had just flown in from China a couple of days before and got to meet Molly for the first time. We had a lot of fun with everyone here, it makes me sad to look back through these pictures! Come back to us!


1 comment :

  1. How did I miss all these posts? Everyone looks great. I'm super jealous of your hair, as usual, which is funny because I have the same hair, if I'd just learn to do the right thing with it. Tell me what you're going to do next so I can do it too and not be jealous.
