
Boo to real life

This is us, on a January Sunday, before Gospel Principles, smiling like fools even though we got home from Disneyland last night and we are not that happy on the inside. I wanted to stay in the Grand Californian Hotel for the rest of my life. But I guess my real life is pretty much the same as my vacation life these days. Both involve feeding my baby every three hours around the clock and kissing her cheeks the rest of the time. The working man Jack is back to real life though. If you count going to Sundance for eight days as real life! Maybe while he's gone I'll catch up on blogging - Christmas, Disneyland, her blessing day, etc. We've seen lots of family and done lots of fun things. But real life is fun too, with Molly around.


  1. You guys look great- all 3 of you! Can't wait to see you soon :)

  2. I love that even Molly is smiling in this photo. You are such a cute family.

  3. Wait. You have bangs? you just got them. Cute! And lookin goood in your dress. Miss you all!

  4. She's grinning her face off. She knows it's all about her.
