
Baby Girl

Molly Isabel Taggart arrived November 8 at 7:20 PM. She is perfectly lovely and sweet! She is two weeks old today and it's been the best and shortest two weeks of our lives. I just snuggle her and love on her all day (and night!). I think she looks like Jack and he thinks she looks like me. We both think she's the cutest baby we've ever seen. It's so fun to be parents.


  1. Aw, she's so lovely!!! Super cute name, too. Congratulations!

  2. She is super cute (and I don't say that to everyone). Some of the pics I can definitely see jack in her, but it's funny how it goes back and forth which characteristics from each parent you see. Congrats to you both!!! Hope you're managing to get some sleep in between snuggles :)

  3. Beautiful baby and beautiful mother!!

    Congrats Jo!! I remember when you were born 23 years ago...
