
Road trip to Utah

Snuggling on the bed at Mel's house. We all slept in the same room and they did pretty well.

Payson temple open house! We nearly brought the place down with the children's antics.

A park in Lehi, I think? The glorious Leavitt party was here Friday night.

Highlight of the trip for Cora! She soaked herself.

Forced pictures.

Just missing one! We miss Madsy a lot a lot a lot.

This sweet little thing was a perfect angel the whole trip.

We went to Utah in April to see momma speak at BYU Women's Conference! She spoke great words of wisdom about supporting your husband in his priesthood calling as father and husband. I've read it many many times since we got home. I wish I had inherited her speaking and writing skills. She has talent. I didn't go to any other parts of Women's Conference besides her presentation, but it seems like a huge party.

We stayed with Aunt Mel for most of the trip and she and Molly became best friends so fast. Mel read her books, played with her, and had all kinds of tricks up her sleeve to get Molly to behave herself. I think Molly is going to grow up and be an artist like Mel. 

I'm trying to remember all the activities we did, here is what I can think of:

Payson Temple Open House
Meeting Scott, the very loveable boy Livvy is dating
Cracker Barrel
Visiting with the Forsythes
Hearing momma speak 
Swimming in the hotel pool
Zupas picnic in the park with a great view of Timp
Provo Rec Center
Lunch with my roomies, minus Karin and Ash
Leavitt party in Lehi with Costa Vida and a dance party
Museum of Curiosity with the fam
Dinner in Lisa's frontyard
Staying with Val and Randy
A beautiful sunset jog in Cedar Hills
The Dino Museum at Thanksgiving Point

Of course, the best parts were just hanging out with my sisters and getting to see my cute nieces and nephews.  My only regrets were not exploring campus more and not catching up with Lisa! There were so many people to talk to, and I never got a chance to talk to her! Such a shame. But it was a very fun trip, we just wished Jack was with us to join in the fun.


  1. Thank you for posting. It is so nice to see your family and how they have grown. Beautiful family! -Allyson Hajek

  2. This pictures make me really miss Utah...
