
Zuma Beach

After breakfast when I had revealed the beach plans, she ran to her room and came out like this :)

Zuma beach in Malibu is our favorite for a quick beach day. It's pretty close, never crowded, and the parking is close and free. Totally ideal for the toddlers to run free. I love living in a place where we can swim in the ocean in January! I didn't take any pictures of Cora this beach trip, because I was just hiding her from the sun and trying to keep her happy. Little babies just don't like sand and wind.

One thing that I really do like about this transient/apartment living/unclear career path lifestyle we are living is that I always feel like we need to take advantage of LA while we are here, because we might not always live in such a great place. Once we buy a house here (if that ever happens) I hope we still get out and find adventure just as much.

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