What a great month June was! It was all a blur. The end of this pregnancy is whizzing by. I'm not feeling totally ready to have a baby.
^^ I had a baby shower a few weeks ago. We've got seven pregnant
girls in our ward right now, and here are four of us, looking really orange in the weird light at this outdoor restaurant. Julie, to the left of
me, has a baby now, which means I'm next! Yikes! I really didn't need a shower, considering I'm having
another girl, but we like to party! My friend Jamie (to the right of me) threw it for me and
we just went out to eat at one of my very favorite places, Aroma. Low key and super fun, really just an excuse to go out to eat without our children :)
^^ This cat is Molly's greatest love. She always seems to be out playing at the bottom of our stairs when we're in a huge rush to get out the door, which is no good because Molly always has to stop and mess about with her. She's a pretty cat and very tolerant of Molly's antics. And also I love that Molly is getting curls in her hair.
^^ I've been frantically working to finish an Independent Study class these past few weeks, so that I don't have to take a newborn with me to the testing center for my final exam. That means we've been spending a lot of time at home while I study, and sometimes the only time we get out is for a quick walk around the neighborhood. It's not much of a walk though, beacause we never even leave our street. Molly goes up and down the stairs of all the surrounding apartment buildings, touches all the flowers, picks up all the rocks. This was her reaction when I said, "Say cheese!"
^^ I always feel silly posing for belly pictures. This is 37 weeks. Although that's my adjusted due date. Early on in my pregnancy, my due date was pushed three weeks later, and I don't really trust it. So according to my original due date this is a 40 week picture and I'm just overdue now? I really have no idea when this baby is coming. Could be tonight or three weeks from now. That's not stopping me from going camping this week and to Modesto next week. I'm going to the doc tomorrow and hoping I'm not dilated at all. I never dilated even a centimeter on my own with Molly (hence the c-section) so that's totally a possibility. That will make me feel extra super sure that it's okay to go camping four hours away from my hospital :)
^^ We went to Mormon Night at Dodgers Stadium. The Dodgers lost, but truthfully I had no idea what was happening on that field. I was too busy wrangling the Mollser and eating nachos! We were seated with a bunch of people from our ward and it was super fun. Aren't Jack and Molly cute??
^^ My friend Claire came over this week and organized every last nook and cranny of the girls' room. She is a potential professional organizer and she's really good at her job! I am so grateful. Every onesie, hair ribbon, blankie, etc. is in its place. The inside of those drawers and the closet look amazing. Now the last thing I need to do in there is take a magic eraser to Molly's coloring table :)
Onto July! A long awaited month!
gee wiz what a darling room