
stability and vagueness and adventures

I stole these pictures directly from Alli's blog and they speak straight to my soul at this particular moment. This week I have intensely craved three things: my husband, all the rest of my family, and to be outdoors. At this moment, Jack is out of town, Molly the angel baby from heaven is sleeping peacefully, the non-angel tenants from non-heaven have organized an uprising of sorts (or so it seems), and I have a splitting headache and a lingering sore throat. All I have to comfort me are the threat of the dishes in the sink and these precious pictures from Christmas Eve in Knight's Ferry.

I haven't updated in quite a while even though there is much to share. We are sorting out all kinds of thoughts, the Jackie boy and I, and everything we thought 2014 would be has been tossed out the window. How rude! But how exciting! The thing I crave the most as I get older (I'm 24 now! So old!) is stability. This year will undoubtedly be the most unstable one of my life so far. I have no fear. Unstable is not a bad word. It's going to be a really exciting year full of happiness and adventure.

You know what is stable? FAMILY. I have a good one. I get to have all those people pictured above, plus a lot more who live far away - in Portland, Seattle, Utah, Colorado, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Japan. All these people who love and support me and my husband and my girl. And I have an especially good husband and girl. Boy oh boy are we some lucky dogs. I am challenging 2014 to a duel, starting now, but first I am going to bed. Amen.


  1. Haha I love you Joey! I guess this means I didn't send the pics. Will do that right this very instant!
