
Halloween Time

For Halloween we dressed up as the Muppets. Fozzie Bear was not too fond of her hat, but she kept it on most of the time. We won best family costume at our ward party! There were other families with way cooler costumes who were totally robbed of that prize. 

On Halloween night we went trick-or-treating in Toluca Lake, stopping by the homes of Steve Carell and Miley Cyrus. There were probably thousands of people swarming the streets and almost every house in the neighborhood was completely done up with the most creative decorations. It was very festive! There were tables set up in front of most of the homes where people would hand out candy, so we didn't actually knock on any doors. Jack was really hoping to see Steve, but neither he nor Miley were manning their own tables, of course! But it was still great fun.


  1. Miss Piggy is certainly looking fine.

  2. How fun! I love your blog, and I can't believe how fast little Molly is growing up. What a cutie! Miss you guys!
