
Molly these days


Molly is almost 9 months old and just a perfect little peach.

She's just started to play games - she'll take the pacifier out of her own mouth and try to put it in your mouth. She thinks it's just about the funniest thing in the world. She also will put her blankie over her head and yank it off proudly, waiting for you to say "Peekaboo!"

It doesn't seem like she'll be crawling too soon, but she does roll around quite a bit and can somehow get herself around. I'm not really sure how she does it, I don't think she's very aware of it either, but sometimes she'll end up five feet away from where I set her down.  I love our wood floors, but really wish we had carpet so she could tumble around without hitting her head.

Bath time is her most favorite part of the day and nap time is her least favorite.

She has a very sweet demeanor and is very easy to be around. She is chatty and loud and loves to hear herself talk, especially in church meetings, haha. She is always peering around wanting to know what everyone is doing. Any sound or movement in her surroundings will be thoroughly investigated.

I love her!

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