

We somehow ended up in charge of our ward's Trunk or Treat/Chili Cook-Off (along with our friends the Ackermans) even though 1) we are ward missionaries, not activity people, and 2) we've never been to a Studio City ward trunk or treat, and we thought ours might not live up to the previous ones. But it turned out great! Of course we were so busy running around like crazy the whole time that we didn't even take a single picture! The chili was delicious, the costumes were amazing (Jon Heder came in one of his Blades of Glory outfits, it was cool) and it was really fun! We came home to our messy house and took some awkward self-timer pictures since we won't be dressing up again. 

To celebrate Halloween today, I had leftover no-bake cookies for breakfast (morning oats, right Alice?) and went to see the little girl I take to school in the morning at her costume parade. She looked soooo cute and I'm desperate to post pictures, but that would be inappropriate.



  1. Post photos of Jon Heder! Or does he need to sign some kind of release?

  2. that's right morning oats. great costumes guys!

  3. A very legit Rosie. Not a bad service man either.
