
We're cat people

It seems like there are more dog people than cat people in the world. I'm definitely a cat person - I mean, I like dogs and everything, but cats are just so low maintenance! They don't cause damage to your belongings, they're not loud or messy or smelly, they clean themselves, and they're not needy for attention like dogs are.* So I guess what I'm trying to say is that dogs are like children and cats are like adults?! Haha! (I really do love children - I hang out with them all day every day!) But really, just look at her cute little face!

*Lenny was an exception to all of these.


  1. I'm a cat person too! I've never been able to understand why some people have such strong feelings of hatred towards cats??? Weirdos.

  2. I'm a cat person too Jo, but our cat also seems to be an exception- because she loves to be destructive and is very needy for attention. But we love her anyways. Your kitty looks like a real sweety!

  3. I love this kitty! Just don't tell Onyx or Ginny. I'm actually really grateful for the good things she taught Onyx. She's a better cat for having known Phoebe.
