
Sequoia and Kings Canyon

Over Labor Day weekend we got to spend a quick 24 hours exploring and camping in Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks. I pulled a classic Jo move and forgot my camera. Such a shame. The phone pics are okay, but they really can't capture the beauty. We did a little hiking and we saw the biggest tree in the world. The girls were such awesome little adventurers. Molly hiked to the top of Moro Rock almost entirely on her own two tiny legs. She was such a determined little hiker that she was outraged when we did not allow her to continue past the guard rail and off the edge of the cliff.  She did have to get dragged back down, screaming and flailing the whole way, but her tenacity is something to be admired. Cora camped like a pro, only waking once to nurse during the night. I was pretty paranoid about the girls freezing their little bums off, (mostly Cora! She was only six weeks old, the poor dear!) so I kept covering them with more of my blankets until I didn't have any left by morning. Probably unnecessary, but sometimes you just have to freak out a little about your newborn. But I tell you, waking up at dawn in the beautiful mountains with all your favorite people snuggled around you is definitely my favorite way to wake up.

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