

During my pregnancy I've noticed many changes about myself - besides the obvious, like how I can't fit into my favorite jeans anymore. There are a lot of weird little things. My nails grow faster, my skin is a lot worse (not better! no pregnancy "glow" going on up in here), my sweet tooth has all but disappeared, etc. etc. But one of the funniest things that is happening is that I cry every day! Not like sobbing, just tearing up over every little thing. I can't even listen to a cheesy country song in the car without tearing up. I cry when I think about what a good boy Jack is. I cry when I think about how great my parents are. I cry when I hold babies. I cry when I see babies at church. I cry when I see babies on commercials. I cry when William (the little boy I babysit) sees me from across the playground when I come to pick him up at daycare and he runs to me. Basically, I just cry all the time. I'm wondering if the constant tears will end with pregnancy, or if it will just get worse after the baby is born. Am I going to cry every time I even glance at my baby? I have a feeling it will never end!


  1. My skin was a lot worse til the third trimester and 3 months postpartum, when it was perfect. So hang in there. It was small relief that once I was huge and felt less attractive I had perfect skin ;)

    Oh and I never cried before I was pregnant, and I don't tear up at everything anymore, but I still go all waterworks at church sometimes and if I hear anything sad about kids.

  2. Congrats on your pregnancy!!! Yay!!! Such wonderful news :)

  3. Oh, I still cry. Not everyday, but rather regularly. Commercials, kid hugs, sleeping Max. Just about anything and everything gets me tearing up too.

    I'm excited to hear about your pregnancy. Having a baby is the best thing ever.

  4. The Irish say that the more a mother tears up during pregnancy, the better the mother she will be! You'll be wonderful!

    Sending love and congratulations to you!

