
To put it simply, I'm obsessed with my family

These ones

and these ones

and all associated parents, spouses, and children, of course!

And I especially love him. 


Livvy comes home from China in eight days!

We leave for the Taggart reunion in Oregon in five days!

Jim, Meredith, and boys have moved to San Diego and weekend trips to see them will be commencing immediately upon our return from the reunion!


Today marks our third anniversary

and twenty weeks for our little fetus child. 

If someone had told me in June 2007 (when I graduated from high school) that five years later I would be celebrating three years of marriage and would be halfway through my first pregnancy, I never would have believed it! Pish posh! But here I am, and I love my life. I love my family and Jack's family and the little family we are making! Help, I'm going to make myself cry.

And let's just remember what a great job Ness did with my wedding flowers.


  1. Happy anniversary! I was telling Grayce what day it is this morning and I knew it was a special day but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
    We'll just miss you in Oregon! We're going on the 21st. I can't find the words to express my dismay about that.

  2. You are so cute and so happy! Happy 3rd anniversary, you beautiful lady! When do you find out the gender of your little fetus??

  3. Happy day! I actually remembered today, which is big bc I barely remember my own. You are too funny! I love the flowers, I hadn't seen that picture.
