
An extensive review of the LA metro, Langer's Deli, and the downtown

A few Saturdays ago we took the subway downtown to explore a little bit. We have a subway stop less than a mile from our house, and the downtown is only a few stops away. It was my first time on the LA metro, Jack had taken it a few times before. I was surprised at how clean and nice it is! I have taken the subway many times since then because Jack needs our car at work all day, and every day I am pleased at how quiet, clean, and peaceful it is as I wait for my train. There are usually only three or four other people down there waiting with me. The metro system here is not very extensive, so I can see why not very many people use it. Unless you are very lucky and your destination is close to a subway stop, you would have to take a bus as well, which is not ideal. I do take the bus a lot these days, and it makes me extra grateful for the times when I get to drive a car!

Anyways, our first stop that day was at Langer's Deli. It's located near McArthur Park, a huge park just west of the downtown with a giant pond and lots of interesting people to see. Not the classiest area, but very lively and fun. Great people watching. My favorite person was a super old Latino man standing in the middle of the grass by himself, holding a hand-held radio with a loudspeaker up to it so we could all enjoy his Ranchero music. So dutiful.
I had read great reviews about this deli and when we arrived there was a long line out on the sidewalk. That's when I got excited, because I knew it would be good. We only waited twenty minutes and we saw Seth Rogen in line! Jack was so pleased. I ordered swiss, tomato, and bacon on rye, grilled. Jack orderd the pastrami on rye. It was so delicious! It totally lived up to the hype. This is Jack, slightly annoyed with me but too pleased with his sandwich to show it.

We wandered around and took the train a few more stops from McArthur Park to the downtown. I wasn't expecting much - I had driven around the downtown before and didn't think we would find anything too exciting on foot. But we had to say we had seen the downtown! The first thing we saw when we walked up the stairs by Pershing square was a paramedic team working to revive a homeless man who had apparently overdosed on something. A sad scene, and a fitting welcome. Pershing square was eerily quiet. No cars, just a few people walking around. I'm sure it's busier on weekdays when people are headed to work. There was no weekend action here - no shopping or restaurants or anything. However, there were multiple displays of public intoxication. Maybe there are better areas of the downtown and we just picked a bad spot? We headed home after a few minutes and were glad to be back in our happy, lively, suburb-y Studio City! We will, however, be returning to Langer's Deli!

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